My Favorite Camping Spot


We all love to camp for different reasons; the great outdoors, the food, or a crackling fire but the location is always one of the reasons we all pack up the car or RV and go camping. For Tough Tops 10 years in business we posed the question for our sweepstakes “Where is your favorite camping spot?”


I starting thinking about this and realized this is a tough question! First, I feel a lot of the places I camped I have long forgot the names and not sure some of them really had names at all….many were just pull offs in a National Forest or in the mountains. One I remember driving 20 miles on a dirt road until we came to a high cliff overlooking the desert valley floor into Sedona, AZ…..Such a beautiful place!


I do want to share two places which stand out to me, one place I camped for the first time just last summer and one which I remember from growing up.


Signal Mountain Campground  //  Grand Teton National Park

We came here many times growing up for family vacations. The Tetons have always held a special place for me and the thought of them puts a smile on my face.

Right in the park, Signal Mountain is on a mountain with sites carved out within the trees. There are little dirt trails taking you to Jackson Lake and an amazing view of the Tetons. Depending on the water level you can scurry down the side and get to the water, as kids we would go down and skip rocks.


And with all the National Park campgrounds I’ve stayed at and love are the amphitheater programs. As the sun sets, add some layers of clothes, make the hot chocolate, grab the lantern and head to the bonfire and learn some cool stuff from the park rangers.


To learn more




Gold Bluffs Beach Campground  //  Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park 

First off this one is tents only as you need to drive on a somewhat bumpy, dirt/gravel road for 6 miles to get there, but if you can its worth it!


Hence the name, this campsite is at the beach, you look one way to a cliff of beautiful red wood trees and the the other to the Pacific Ocean. There is something about hearing the waves as you lay in your tent and taking a beach walk first thing in the morning. 


I feel there is one other great perk about this campsite, its near Fern Canyon. And again hence the name is a beautiful canyon covered in ferns that lead you our of a huge growth forest to the ocean. You can take the hike from the name road (6 miles or so if I remember) or drive the bumpy road and get direct access. So this is a popular place during the day, but being about 2 miles away, getting up early and heading over you have the chance to have the place almost to yourself, which is the way to go for sure.


You have a favorite camping stop you would like to share? Post to Tough Tops Facebook page HERE 


Happy RVing…and camping

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